Monday, October 23, 2006

Spooky Oookie Time!

Yep, it's Halloween Time. Time for decorating the house and making this "Scary"!

I found a nice little place for some hints. It's actually a DVD, but there is a forums board for you to look for other ideas, if you are of the mind too. I will hopefully put up some pictures of our haunted house later in the season.

Happy Haunting!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Dr. Who on Sci Fi

Ok, so I am a little late on this one. But I caught the end of the first episode of season "TWO" of the "new" Doctor. (I am a HUGE Tom Baker Fan).

And wow! It didn't dissapoint. I also like the setup for what I would assume would be future episodes (no spoilers from me...).

I also like Sara and K-9 making an appearance in the next episode. Looks like I may have to get a tape out and watch it later, because I will more than likely be playing on DDO.

Welcome to my random thoughts

Hey all, and welcome to my random thoughts. Feel free to stop by now and again.

This is just a place for me vent my thoughts on various topics. Not sure how active I will actually be, we will just have to see.

I will more than likely talk about computer "stuff". From Computer Security, which I have some experience with, to Massivly-Multiplayer-Online Games, to regular utilities for the PC and UNIX.

At least I'll start from there and see where it leads.

So, welcome...